These are the workers:
2003-12-04 17:16:58 Ajp13Connector[8009] Starting background thread
2003-12-04 17:16:58 Ajp13Processor[8009][0] Starting background thread
2003-12-04 17:16:58 Ajp13Processor[8009][1] Starting background thread
2003-12-04 17:16:58 Ajp13Processor[8009][2] Starting background thread
2003-12-04 17:16:58 Ajp13Processor[8009][3] Starting background thread
2003-12-04 17:16:58 Ajp13Processor[8009][4] Starting background thread

So I forget the translation but I do a netstat -na |grep 8009 to see if the port is 
open for listen.

Do you have a tool that will do the same?

Thank you,

Patrick Sullivan

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephanie A Bickel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 1:04 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: mod_jk worker help please!!

David -

I added the jvmroute but it still is not working. The whole problem is the
worker is never being created in the first seems to be ignoring
my worker.list and creating it's own worker ajp12 on port 8007.

So, even after that change, it can't find the worker I put in

                      "David O'Brien"                                                  
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         To:      "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL 
                      .org>                    cc:      "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL 
                                               Subject: RE: mod_jk worker help 
                      12/05/2003 11:28                                                 
                      Please respond                                                   
                      to "Tomcat Users                                                 

 From my server.xml

   <Service name="Tomcat-Standalone">
     <Connector className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector"
                port="8009" minProcessors="50" maxProcessors="100"
                acceptCount="100" debug="0"/>
     <Engine name="Standalone" defaultHost="localhost" debug="0"

the JVMROUTE has to be the same as the worker name or session won't be

At 01:26 PM 12/5/2003, Stephanie A Bickel wrote:

>Dave -
>I have changed the name of my worker in my file. First
>had my worker.list=ajp13, which is the default in server.xml, right?
>Then, I changed it to worker.list=test
>I did not change my server.xml file, but I thought you only specify for
>listener. Maybe I am missing something. I am not aware of a jvm=
>parameter..where am I supossed to put this?
>                       "David
> O'Brien"
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         To:      "Tomcat Users
>                       .org>                    cc:      "Tomcat Users
>                                                Subject: RE: mod_jk worker

> help please!!
>                       12/05/2003
> 11:20
>                       AM
>                       Please
> respond
>                       to "Tomcat
> Users
>                       List"
>I see no jvm="workers83"  in the sever.xml file ???
> >Yes, I have that.  So, why would it ignore my worker.list for the
> >define?
> >
> >2003-12-04 17:16:58 Ajp13Connector[8009] Starting background thread
> >2003-12-04 17:16:58 Ajp13Processor[8009][0] Starting background thread
> >2003-12-04 17:16:58 Ajp13Processor[8009][1] Starting background thread
> >2003-12-04 17:16:58 Ajp13Processor[8009][2] Starting background thread
> >2003-12-04 17:16:58 Ajp13Processor[8009][3] Starting background thread
> >2003-12-04 17:16:58 Ajp13Processor[8009][4] Starting background thread
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >                       "Sullivan,
> >
> >                       Patrick"                   To:      "Stephanie A
> > Bickel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >                       entura.Org>                cc:
> >
> >                                                  Subject: RE: mod_jk
> > worker help please!!
> >                       12/05/2003
> > 09:56
> >
> >                       AM
> >
> >                       Please respond
> > to
> >
> >                       "Tomcat
> > Users
> >
> >                       List"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Check you tomcat logs for
> >Ajp13Connector[8883] Opening server socket on all host IP addresses
> >Ajp13Connector[8883] Starting background thread
> >Ajp13Processor[8883][0] Starting background thread
> >Ajp13Processor[8883][1] Starting background thread
> >Ajp13Processor[8883][2] Starting background thread
> >Ajp13Processor[8883][3] Starting background thread
> >Ajp13Processor[8883][4] Starting background thread
> >
> >My server.xml:
> ><Server port="8305" shutdown="SHUTDOWN" debug="0">
> >   <Service name="Tomcat-Standalone">
> >     <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
> >                port="8380" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
> >                enableLookups="true" redirectPort="8443"
> >                acceptCount="100" debug="0" connectionTimeout="20000"
> >                useURIValidationHack="false" disableUploadTimeout="true"
> >     <Connector className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector"
> >                port="8883" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
> >                acceptCount="10" tomcatAuthentication="false"
> >
> >     <Engine name="Standalone" defaultHost="localhost" debug="0">
> >       <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm" />
> >       <Host name="localhost" debug="0" appBase="webapps"
> >autoDeploy="true">
> >           <Context path="" docBase="ROOT" debug="0"/>
> >       </Host>
> >     </Engine>
> >   </Service>
> ></Server>
> >
> >My
> >workers.apache_log=/usr/local/webservers/a2047d/logs
> >workers.catalina_home=/usr/local/webservers/t4129
> >workers.java_home=/usr/java131
> >ps=/
> >
> ># Define 1 real worker using ajp13
> >worker.list=worker83
> >
> ># Set properties for worker83 (ajp13)
> >worker.worker83.type=ajp13
> >
> >worker.worker83.port=8883
> >worker.worker83.lbfactor=50
> >worker.worker83.cachesize=10
> >worker.worker83.cache_timeout=600
> >worker.worker83.socket_keepalive=1
> >worker.worker83.socket_timeout=300
> >
> >My httpd.conf (part of it atleast):
> >...
> >Listen
> >
> >#Compiled in modules:
> >#  core.c
> >#  mod_access.c
> >#  mod_auth.c
> >#  mod_auth_dbm.c
> >#  mod_include.c
> >#  worker.c
> >#  http_core.c
> >#  mod_mime.c
> >#  mod_cgid.c
> >#  mod_dir.c
> >#  mod_alias.c
> >#  mod_so.c
> >LoadModule auth_ldap_module modules/
> >LoadModule jk_module  modules/
> >
> >User lawweb
> >...
> >####################################################
> ># Where to find
> >JkWorkersFile /usr/local/webservers/a2047d/conf/workers.properties83
> >JkLogFile /usr/local/webservers/a2047d/logs/mod_jk83.log
> ># Set the jk log level [debug/error/info]
> >JkLogLevel info
> >JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "
> >JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories
> >JkRequestLogFormat "%w %V %T"
> >JkMount /*.jsp worker83
> >JkMount /servlet/* worker83
> >JkMount /examples/* worker83
> ><Location /servlet>
> >     AllowOverride AuthConfig
> >     AuthType Basic
> >     AuthName "onyx TESTPL"
> >     AuthDBMUserFile /usr/local/webservers/law_web/userdb/lawson
> >     AuthDBMAuthoritative Off
> >     AuthLDAPAuthoritative On
> >     LDAP_Debug Off
> >     LDAP_Protocol_Version 3
> >     LDAP_Server someADservers
> >     LDAP_Port 389
> >     Base_DN "some baseDN"
> >     Bind_DN "someDN"
> >     Bind_Pass "somepassowrd"
> >     UID_Attr sAMAccountName
> >     Options Indexes
> >     Options FollowSymLinks
> >     require valid-user
> ></Location>
> >
> >Buy you may have noticed I am actually running 2.0.48
> >
> >Thank you,
> >
> >Patrick Sullivan
> >Centura Health
> >303-643-4021
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Stephanie A Bickel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 3:54 PM
> >Subject: mod_jk worker help please!!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >I am trying to configure Apache 1.3.X with tomcat 4.1.29.
> >
> >I am trying to use the connector mod_jk for connect the two.
> >
> >I am having the following problem: In my I have a
> >I defined as test (or a thousand other names). No matter how I change my
> >, an instance of ajp12 seems to be created. I don't
> >understand!! I have been working on this for days and any help would be
> >appreciated. Here are my config files:
> >
> >server.xml has
> >
> >
> >     <Connector className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector"
> >                port="8009" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
> >                acceptCount="10" debug="0"/>
> >
> >
> >
> >workers.tomcat_home=C:\tomcat
> >workers.java_home=C:\MMIS_IAS\jdk
> >\tomcat
> >ps=\
> >worker.list=test
> >worker.test.port=8009
> >
> >worker.test.type=ajp13
> >
> >http.conf:
> >LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.dll
> >AddModule mod_jk.c
> >JkWorkersFile "C:/Tomcat/conf/jk/"
> >JkLogFile "C:/tomcat/logs/mod_jk.log"
> >JkLogLevel debug
> >JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "
> >
> >my mod_jk.log says:
> >[Tue Dec 02 17:52:45 2003]  [jk_worker.c (88)]: Into wc_open
> >[Tue Dec 02 17:52:45 2003]  [jk_worker.c (222)]: Into build_worker_map,
> >creating 1 workers
> >[Tue Dec 02 17:52:45 2003]  [jk_worker.c (228)]: build_worker_map,
> >worker ajp12
> >[Tue Dec 02 17:52:45 2003]  [jk_worker.c (148)]: Into wc_create_worker
> >[Tue Dec 02 17:52:45 2003]  [jk_worker.c (162)]: wc_create_worker, about
> >create instance ajp12 of ajp12
> >[Tue Dec 02 17:52:45 2003]  [jk_ajp12_worker.c (283)]: Into
> >ajp12_worker_factory
> >[Tue Dec 02 17:52:45 2003]  [jk_worker.c (171)]: wc_create_worker, about
> >validate and init ajp12
> >[Tue Dec 02 17:52:45 2003]  [jk_ajp12_worker.c (200)]: Into
> >jk_worker_t::validate
> >[Tue Dec 02 17:52:45 2003]  [jk_ajp12_worker.c (212)]: In
> >jk_worker_t::validate for worker ajp12 contact is localhost:8007
> >[Tue Dec 02 17:52:45 2003]  [jk_worker.c (187)]: wc_create_worker, done
> >[Tue Dec 02 17:52:45 2003]  [jk_worker.c (238)]: build_worker_map,
> >old ajp12 worker
> >[Tue Dec 02 17:52:45 2003]  [jk_worker.c (250)]: build_worker_map, done
> >[Tue Dec 02 17:52:45 2003]  [jk_worker.c (111)]: wc_open, done 1
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >This communication is for the use of the intended recipient only.  It
> >contain information that is privileged and confidential.  If you are not
> >the intended recipient of this communication, any disclosure, copying,
> >further distribution or use thereof is prohibited.  If you have received
> >this communication in error, please advise me by return e-mail or by
> >telephone and delete/destroy it.
> >
> >
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> >
> >
> >
> >
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>David G. O'Brien
>Web Services Coordinator / Systems Administrator
>The Nation's Network of Child Care Resource & Referral
>1319 F Street NW, Suite 500
>Washington, DC 20004
>(202) 393-5501 ext. 113
>(202) 393-1109 fax
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David G. O'Brien
Web Services Coordinator / Systems Administrator

The Nation's Network of Child Care Resource & Referral
1319 F Street NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20004
(202) 393-5501 ext. 113
(202) 393-1109 fax

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