Hi Listers
I'm sceptical whether anybody else has ever suffered this bizarre problem so I'm not expecting anybody to be able to help, but this is seriously damaging my enjoyment of Monday morning.

I have tomcat 5.0.14 set up on one computer and it works fine mostly, i.e. root context, JSP examples, manager apps are working fine.

The problem is with the app I'm developing. On Friday night last week I did loads of debugging to sort out the JNDI connection pool, e.g. configuring the app context, the web.xml etc.

Now when I try to call up http://localhost:8080/myapp/ the browser zooms off to find http://www.localhost.net.au! When I try I get a 'connection refused' pop-up from the browsers - on my machine and on others. (root context still works as I said).

Obviously I tried restarting tomcat, redeploying the app, taking out all the filters, changing the context name, checked server.xml.

Anybody care to take a wild guess about what I need to do?


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