Yep, you assumed right.

It's not that Tomcat ain't starting (I can get in the Admin
menu and add users, I can get to the manager window
(.../manager/html)), it's just that I can't add our purchased
app !!!  (BMC-Remedy's mid-tier add).

I read a doc I got late and it seems that I also have to
install the "" module...  I'll try this Monday when I
get back to work...  hopefully, it'll work, I've lost enough
time already on this on account that nobody except management
likes this app anyway


> I assume these are typos in the email, not your config:
>  > CATALINA_HOME=/files/apache/jakarta-omcat-4.1.29
>                                        ^
>  > <Context path="/mid-tier" debug="0"
>  > docbase=""/files/ar/mid-tier" reloadable="true"/&gt
>       ^     ^
> If tomcat has trouble loading the Context i would expect to see
> exceptions in the
$CATALINA_HOME/logs/localhost_log.yyyy-MM-dd.txt log
> file, logging to which is enabled by default.
> As in java, xml is case-sensitive and docBase!=docbase.
> The manager and admin webapps are setup as non-WAR apps with
a docBase
> outside the user webapp base. Take a look at
> $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/manager.xml
> As for configuring Tomcat with Apache:
> HTH,
> Jon
> Richard Migneron wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm new to Tomcat.  We have a small problem under Solaris 8.
> >
> > 1) We've read the documentation
> > 2) We've skimped through all the past messages in the archive
> > 3) Apache 1.3.29 has been configured with the following :
> >
> > --enable-rule=SHARED_CODE
> > --enable-module=rewrite --enable-shared=rewrite
> > --enable-module=proxy --enable-shared=proxy
> >
> > 4) jakarta was installed in a directory under apache
> > 5) The j2sdk1.4.2_02 was installed in /usr
> > 6) In the S50apache, there are :
> > 
> > JAVA_HOME=/usr/j2sdk1.4.2_02
> > CATALINA_HOME=/files/apache/jakarta-omcat-4.1.29
> > APACHE_HOME=/files/apache
> > CONF_FILE=/files/apache/conf/httpd.conf
> >
> > 7) We start APACHE, no problem so far (it listens on 8080)
> > 8) We've modified the server.xml to change the port to 8000
> > 9) We've added an user admin with admin and manager roles
> > 10) In the S51tomcat, there are :
> >
> > CATALINA_HOME=/files/apache/jakarta-omcat-4.1.29
> > JAVA_HOME=/usr/j2sdk1.4.2_02
> > 
> >
> > 11) We start Tomcat, no problem so far (it listens on 8000)
> > 12) We get to the Manager Window to try to install an
> > application.  The application is called "mid-tier", it resides
> > in "/files/ar/mid-tier", in this directory there is a WEB-INF
> > directory (amongst others).
> >
> > What would I put in the 3 boxes to install the app ????
> >
> > We've tried plenty of stuff and logically, you'd put something
> > like :
> >
> > Context Path (optional) : /mid-tier
> > XML Configuration file URL: /files/ar/mid-tier
> > WAR or Directory URL: ????????  (I don't have a clue)
> >
> > This application is not using WARs.
> >
> > Now, I've tried installing it directly by hand in the
> > file, here is the line I added :
> >
> > <Context path="/mid-tier" debug="0"
> > docbase=""/files/ar/mid-tier" reloadable="true"/&gt
> >
> > With this line we see the app appearing on the manager
page, but
> > when we go into it, we are in a directory structure (a la ftp
> > type) and when we try to launch it, it gives an error message
> > on account that the config file is not correct !
> >
> > I think the sole line in the server.xml is not enough !!!
> > By the way, they don't have an ounce of documentation on
> > configuring this thing on Apache+Tomcat, although they've done
> > it before on a Apache 1.3.27 + Tomcat 4.0.6.
> >
> > Any help would be welcomed (before they ask me to revert to
> > Apache 1.3.27 + ServLet Exec 4.1.1, arrgghh!!)
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Richard

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