Buffering is essential for speedy response time and overall system performace in a concurrent environment. Sending every byte to the client by itself is horrible for performance. A buffer minimum should be the TCP packet size. But even that is *real* small. For some pages, a smaller buffer than the spec default (8kb) is desired, for others, a larger buffer is much better because of the nature of the data being pulled from its datastore.

In a nutshell, don't change the buffer size unless you have a reason. (Personally, I've never had a reason to alter the buffer size in the last 2+ years)


Dola Woolfe wrote:

Great Tim, Thank you.

A couple words on why you would want to buffer?

--- Tim Funk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You need it to be in kb, not k:
<%@ page import="html.*" buffer="16kb" %>

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