Thanks for your help everyone ..... after some number of hours of work
yesterday, I managed to get everything changed over, and I'm NOT using
the SingleThreadModel.  I inherited part of the code, and wrote most of
the rest .... a couple of perl scripts was able to help significantly.

Long and the short, was we were trying to get away with an OOP design,
in which all of our servlets derived from a single class (which in turn,
implements HttpServlet), so that our forward(), logging, and erroring
methods could be easily implemented.  In doing so, you were all correct,
we were over-writing our own variables.

On Wednesday I upgraded to the latest DBCP and Commons Pool, as well as
the latest JDBC driver for our vendor, reducing the number of those
errors from an enormous 760 to 220.  Today, thus far, we've had a total
of 10 errors, only two of which were related to that same problem, and
probably are from me missing something in the code.

Thanks for your help in this mess ....


On Thu, 2003-12-11 at 15:00, Antonio Fiol Bonnín wrote:
> >So ..... what your telling me, is that it's a concurrency problem
> >created by having "object attributes"?  That if they were, in fact being
> >called more like:
> >
> >     doProcess2 ();
> >
> >than like:
> >
> >     doProcess1 ();
> >
> >I wouldn't have these problems?  Very interesting.
> >  
> >
> Not quite. I don't really understand your structue, but it seems it 
> needs some refactoring.
> >Please write back and ensure that's what you mean ..... because I'm
> >pretty sure it is.  Oh, fun.  Here I go to change .... some 100K lines
> >of code :-)
> >
> >  
> >
> As a rule of thumb, do not let your "req" and "res" leave local scope 
> (do not "store" them anywhere [attribute, static attribute, other 
> object, ...]).
> If you need help with the refactoring and I can access your code, I 
> might help on saturday. (Which timezone do you live on?)
> Yours,
> Antonio Fiol

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