Philipp Taprogge wrote:

In tomcat 4 you have to either restart tomcat after you drop the war in it's webapps directory or manually install the webapp using the tomcat manager (the path to war file should be relative to the webapps dir, so if you drop the war there, you can just enter it's name and press install button).

Thanks for responding!

My findings: 4.1.29 cares not about war files, even across restarts, regardless of server.xml options. But I was able to use the manager app to load a .war file. The .war in question contains a web module with a trivial hellow world servlet (in WEB-INF/classes) and a web.xml to name the servlet and map it to a url. The manager starts it successfully, but calls to the servlet give me a directory listing instead of ruinning the servlet.

One thing I noted is that netbeans is forcing a <welcome-file> tag into my web.xml when I export to a war, even though I explicitly deleted the <welcome-file> stuff prior to exporting. (Yes, I did save the changes.)

Any thoughts on these issues appreciated. The goal is to be able to deploy web modules that have just servlets (no jsp or html files), and assign them to a given url.


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