I have a team of developers, each with a $HOME/tomcat/ directory. They are authenticating against nss-LDAP, so they are not in /etc/passwd. I would like for them to be able to drop wars in ~/tomcat/ and have them deploy without manually adding Contexts. I've tried this...

<Host name="localhost" debug="1" appBase="webapps"
       unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">

<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.startup.UserConfig" homeBase="/var/www" directoryName="tomcat" debug="1" userClass="org.apache.catalina.startup.HomesUserDatabase" />


... with proper closing of the Listener and Host. I have a "/var/www/jbeamon/tomcat/testwar.war" available. ~jbeamon shows me a directory listing of testwar.war. ~jbeamon/testwar answers HTTP-404, and ~jbeamon/testwar.war shows me the ASCII version of the compiled war. I have the following log output.

# tail -f UserConfig.2003-12-19.log
2003-12-19 15:03:52 UserConfig[localhost]: Deploying user web applications
2003-12-19 15:03:52 HostConfig[localhost]: BACKGROUND THREAD Starting
2003-12-19 15:03:52 UserConfig[localhost]: Deploying web application for user jbeamon
2003-12-19 15:03:52 WebappLoader[/~jbeamon]: Deploying class repositories to work directory /var/tc4/work/Standalone/localhost/~jbeamon
2003-12-19 15:03:52 ContextConfig[/~jbeamon]: Missing application web.xml, using defaults only
2003-12-19 15:03:52 StandardManager[/~jbeamon]: Seeding random number generator
class java.security.SecureRandom
2003-12-19 15:03:52 StandardManager[/~jbeamon]: Seeding of random number generator has been completed
2003-12-19 15:03:52 StandardWrapper[/~jbeamon:default]: Loading container servlet default
2003-12-19 15:03:52 StandardWrapper[/~jbeamon:invoker]: Loading container servlet invoker
2003-12-19 15:04:07 HostConfig[localhost]: Deploying discovered web applications2003-12-19 15:04:22 HostConfig[localhost]: Deploying discovered web applications
2003-12-19 15:05:15 StandardHost[localhost]: Mapping request URI '/index.jsp'
2003-12-19 15:05:15 StandardHost[localhost]: Mapped to context ''
2003-12-19 15:05:20 StandardHost[localhost]: Mapping request URI '/~jbeamon'
2003-12-19 15:05:20 StandardHost[localhost]: Mapped to context '/~jbeamon'
2003-12-19 15:05:20 StandardHost[localhost]: Mapping request URI '/~jbeamon/'
2003-12-19 15:05:20 StandardHost[localhost]: Mapped to context '/~jbeamon'
2003-12-19 15:05:22 HostConfig[localhost]: Deploying discovered web applications2003-12-19 15:05:27 StandardHost[localhost]: Mapping request URI '/~jbeamon/testwar'
2003-12-19 15:05:27 StandardHost[localhost]: Mapped to context '/~jbeamon'
2003-12-19 15:05:37 HostConfig[localhost]: Deploying discovered web applications2003-12-19 15:05:52 HostConfig[localhost]: Deploying discovered web applications

I don't know what I'm missing, but I'm open to suggestions. Every doc I find online about this copy-pastes the same instructions, including the "C:\homes" and comment about hosting on Windows. Can someone offer something from experience? Thanks in advance.


John Beamon
Systems Administrator
Franklin American Mortgage
web: www.franklinamerican.com

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