Good info, thank you Justin!

Unfortunately, it didn't solve my problem, but I will leave the commits
there regardless.  Thanks again!

Any other suggestions out there?  Can anyone verify if Tyrex, as shipped
with 4.0.6, does in fact pool connections?  I could always drop back and
punt to that.

Frank W. Zammetti
Web Architect Consultant
PFPC Global Fund Services
760 Moore Road
King Of Prussia, PA 19406
Mailstop: F4-F760-2B-3
Phone: (610)/382-8243
FAX: (610)/382-8866
Cell: (484)/302-1402

|         |           Justin          |
|         |           Ruthenbeck      |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         | >        |
|         |                           |
|         |           12/23/2003 02:25|
|         |           PM              |
|         |           Please respond  |
|         |           to "Tomcat Users|
|         |           List"           |
|         |                           |
  |        To:      "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                            
  |        cc:                                                                         
  |        Subject: Re: Problem with database updates using DBCP                       

At 11:10 AM 12/23/2003, you wrote:

>Yep, I thought of that too. But,  I explicitly call
>conn.setAutoCommit(true); before every update, insert or delete.  When
>batching I call it with false and then executeBatch, and calling rollback
>if the batch fails, all pretty typical code I think.  Is there anything
>else I should be doing do you think?  Should I explicitly call commit()
>after a successful executeUpdate() (I haven't tried that, you just made me
>think of it - seems like overkill, but maybe?)

Don't rely on the setAutoCommit(boolean) method to do anything -- I have
seen appservers/conn pools that do not support the method and ignore your
"suggestion" (early 3.X jBoss comes to mind), always using the
hard-configured values.  Always explicitly call either commit() or
rollback() to insulate yourself from these details.

Merry Christmas!
>   |        To:      Tomcat Users List
> |
>   |        cc:
>                                                       |
>   |        Subject: Re: Problem with database updates using
> DBCP                                                             |
>  >

>I've not used DBCP specifically but are you sure you are committing
>your writes? Most pools will default rollback connections returned to
>the pool, if I am not mistaken.
>--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hello all.  I've recently had a need to implement connection pooling
> > under
> > Tomcat 4.0.6 (I can't upgrade versions as per a mandate by my
> > employer).  I
> > have read some posts that indicate that Tyrex does not actually pool
> > connections.  I don't know for sure if that is true or not (any
> > definitive
> > answers here?), so I decided to use DBCP, since I knew that did.
> >
> > I grabbed the latest builds of DBCP, collections and pool (1.1, 2.1
> > and 1.1
> > respectively), stuck them in tomcat/common/lib, added my JNDI entry
> > to the
> > app's context in server.xml, added the proper ref tags in web.xml and
> > put
> > in the appropriate code to get a connection from the pool (set to
> > maxActive=50, maxIdle=50000, maxWait=1000 and minIdle=10).
> >
> > Now, I've got it up and running without much trouble.  Everything
> > SEEMED to
> > be working fine, until I realized that all my database writes
> > (updates,
> > inserts, deletes) were NOT hitting the database.
> >
> > There are NO exceptions being thrown anywhere of any kind.  All the
> > relevant objects (statements, connection, etc.) are non-null.  Return
> > codes
> > from SQL executions where applicable seem to be what they should be.
> > Database reads work perfectly, which indicates everything is OK I
> > think (I
> > have a single class with a single method that gets the connection out
> > of
> > the pool and deals with all database access).
> >
> > My question is simple and obvious: anyone have any ideas why database
> > writes would be failing (maybe failing is the wrong word... simply
> > not
> > happening is more accurate) while reads succeed?  It is an Oracle 9.2
> > database by the way, using the Oracle thin JDBC driver (same driver
> > that is
> > used when I switch to manually creating connections in code rather
> > than
> > using JNDI and Tomcat's facilities).
> >
> > Frank W. Zammetti
> > Web Architect Consultant
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -----------------------------------------
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> >
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Justin Ruthenbeck
Software Engineer, NextEngine Inc.
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