Hi Tj,
If interested, I have written an installer which automates the steps you describe on your site.
You can get binary and source code at:

Unfortunately, there are main differences I would like to discuss here. I hope someone of the developers will join this to clear some points out.

> Download Java 2 SDK 1.4.2 (or later)
Since 1.4.2 and Tomcat 5.0.16 it is sufficient to download only the JRE to get Tomcat and JSP running. I would like to know if it is needed to install the whole SDK.

> Registry
There are additional registry entries for jk2
#define USE_AUTH_COMP_TAG       ("authComplete")
#define THREAD_POOL_TAG         ("threadPool")
#define SEND_GROUPS_TAG         ("sendGroups")

I set authComplete to 0 and threadPool to 20. I have not found any documentation for sendGroups. It defaults to 0.

As far as I can see in the source "logLevel" changed to "log_level". Could someone please confirm this!

>Web Service Extensions
> Run WWW service in IIS 5.0 isolation mode
This is the big point. To run IIS 6.0 in native mode, all files used by jk2 must be add to the Web extensions:

Additionaly add write permissions for Builtin\Users for file security settings of jk2.properties and jk2.shm.

I am very interested, if there are any doubts about running IIS in native mode. In my opinion it will be difficult explaining to a customer to decrease his IIS security.

Merry Chrismas

Daniel Schmitt

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