On Tue, 30 Dec 2003, James Black wrote:

> Andrei Ivanov wrote:
> >I've searched bugzilla, but there doesn't seem to be any bug filled about 
> >something like this.
> >
> >About using a profiler... could you recommend one ?
> >
>   JProfiler I like, mainly because of the cost, but also because it 
> integrates in well with Netbeans. <g>

I have only console access (no xfree installed) on the remote server, and 
as I can see, jprofiler wants X to be installed. Anyway, I have no 
experience with profilers, so I don't know how much would that help.

>   Look at http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=20758 and 
> see if that is your problem.

This may be it, but I just reload the application context... does tomcat 
undeploy and then deploy the app when I reload it ?

If there's more that I can do to discover the cause, using my limited 
experience, just tell me what...

> This may also help:
> http://www.junlu.com/msg/38658.html
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