
I think most people including myself are having problems building mod_jk2.so
and not configuring it. The links you provided assume that mod_jk2.so is


Enils Bashi
Programmer - Chesapeake Bay Program
Veridyne Incorporated
Annapolis, Maryland: (410) 267-9833

-----Original Message-----
From: Lenny Sorey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 9:14 AM
To: Tomcat Users Group
Cc: Apache HTTP Users List
Subject: Subject: HOWTO: Apache + Tomcat + mod_jk OR mod_jk2 even IIS

For those seeking a solution to Integrating the following:

Tomcat 4(or 5) and mod_jk2 (Tomcat/Jk2Generic) 
Tomcat 4.1.x and Apache 2.0.x on Linux with mod_jk2 and IP sockets
Tomcat 4.1.x and Apache 2.0.x on Linux with mod_jk and IP sockets (LinuxJK) 
Tomcat 4.1.x and IIS on Windows/2000 Professional with mod_jk and IP sockets
Tomcat 4.1.x and IIS on Windows/2000 Professional with mod_jk2 and IP
sockets (WinJK2IIs) 
Tomcat 4.1.x and Apache 2.0.x on Windows/2000 Professional with mod_jk and
IP sockets (WinJKApache) 
Tomcat 4.1.x and Apache 2.0.x on Windows/2000 Professional with mod_jk2 and
IP sockets (WinJK2Apache) 

I found the following site very helpful: I used this site to help me get up
and going with Tomcat 4.1.29 + Apache 2.0.48 + mod_jk2


Happy New Year and Good Luck!!

Lenny Sorey

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