Because the VM is being started from C:\WINDOWS\System32 since it is running as a service. If it were started from catalina.bat, then the VM would have been started from CATALINA_HOME/bin, so it would have looked there for the config directory. Why it doesn't look from in the location of CATALNIA_HOME rather than wherever the VM was started for the keystore stuff is beyond me. I'm not really sure about the keystore stuff since I haven't configured SSL for Tomcat as of yet.


At 09:40 AM 1/3/2004 -0600, you wrote:
Yesterday, in response to a post asking how to run Tomcat as a server, someone pointed out that the *.exe binary, which includes the installer, is now available. (Hooray!) So, I downloaded it, and it installed flawlessly. I had renamed my previous Tomcat 5.0.16 installation so the server version could be installed in parallel.

I am using HTTPS, and I have enabled the proper connectors in server.xml as I had done before. However, with the Tomcat service started, when I start the application, it fails with the following entry in the stdout.log file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\.keystore (The system cannot find the file specified)

The error message is valid in that my .keystore is under C:\Document Settings. That keystore had been generated by the Java keytool utility using the instructions in Tomcat for establishing an SSL connector.. I tried generating another key, thinking maybe this version looked in a different place. However, the keytool failed claiming that the alias "Tomcat" already existed, implying it was looking C:\Document Settings.

I have check server.xml and web.xml, but I can't find anything to specify where Tomcat is to look for the .keystore file.

Anyone have any suggestions as to how to make Tomcat look in C:\Document Settings or how to make keytool generate a .keystore file in C:\WINDOWS\System32\config\systemprofile where it's looking?

Merrill Cornish

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