I am working with Tomcat 5 and Forms authentication. I am just using the tomcat-users.xml for now until I get everything working.
What I am wondering is if I go directly to my login.jsp page instead of letting Tomcat determine if I need to go there based on the page I am accessing, how do you tell j_security_check where to go once the user has logged in successfully. As it is right now I get the following error : Invalid direct reference to form login page So is there a way to overcome this? BTW – if I reference the login.jsp from a secure page, everything works fine. So I know I have things setup correctly thus far. Thanks Gregg --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.558 / Virus Database: 350 - Release Date: 1/2/2004