I may be getting in over my head here as I'm really not all that familiar
with patterns. And I'm not sure that the pattern has anything to do with
problem. But I have a controller servlet through which all web requests must
pass. It has worked fine as is. Until I tried to include a .js file on a jsp
page. In that case it seems to either print it out to page, rather than
execute it, or it tries to use requestDispatcher portion of controller
servlet to forward/include it. Normally the requestDispatcher forwards
request to the requested page after it checks to see if user is logged in.
But now it seems to go into an infinite loop when forwarding. And  I guess
it's trying to use requestDispather.include because the .js resource is
included via a "src='http:...' " request. I know that this is a very vague
question but I wonder if anyone has any clues as to where the problem might
lie or what I can start experimenting with.

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