Hi guys,

We've just started testing TC 5.0.16, with a view to running in production.
Unfortunately we're getting errors with the admin application (something we've come to rely on recently).

_1. Tomcat Service Node throws this error:-_

javax.servlet.ServletException: Define tag cannot set a null value
root cause*
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Define tag cannot set a null value

_2. Host link throws this error:-_


_3. Context Nodes throw these errors:-_

*type* Status report

*message* _Error retrieving attribute debug_

*description* _The server encountered an internal error (Error retrieving attribute debug) that prevented it from fulfilling this request._

I found this entry in Bugzilla (when clicking the back button in Mozilla):-


I'm using Mozilla, but the error appears on every browser available (MSIE 5/5.5/6 Mac/Pc and all Netscapes).
Its plainly clear theres some kind of Struts incompatability, but is this confined to my installation, or is anyone else experiencing it?

Does anyone know if the admin app has changed since 4.1.29?

I can provide full logs if anyones interested.

Debian 2.4.18-1
tc 5.0.16
jk 2.0.2
http 2.0.48

As a final note - I have tried this on both my development and production machines with similar results.
I'm going to attempt replacing the Struts jars in the admin's WEB-INF/lib, but I reckon thats probably a dead end (last resort).
I'm pretty sure its not my installation, but i'll add it to Bugzilla if i'm able to confirm.

Thanks in advance for any insight.


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