
Not a problem :-)

I do have some additions to my original post.  The
changes get UNIX sockets working as well as IP

Set the following environment variables:

export "LDFLAGS=-lgdbm -lldap -lexpat -ldb"
export "CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/kerberos/include

(all on one line for the second command).  Use the
appropriate command for the shell you're in.

Tell configure about OS-specific files for Java JNI. 
For linux and the Sun JVM, the files are located in
include/linux underneath $JAVA_HOME.  The configure
command for mod_jk2 is then:

./configure --with-apxs2=/home/apache/bin/apxs \
            --with-tomcat41=/home/tomcat \
            --with-os-type=include/linux \
            --with-jni \

Finally, modify the JK_LDFLAGS line in
server/apache2/Makefile to include libaprutil.  It
will read:

JK_LDFLAGS=-L${APACHE2_LIBDIR} -lcrypt -lapr-0 -lpcre
-lpcreposix -laprutil-0

(again on one line).

Run make, and the resulting mod_jk2.so / jkjni.so will
support both IP socketes and UNIX sockets.

In-process communication will probably have to wait
until a new MPM module is out for Apache.

The missing aprutil-0 library is probably due to an
autoconf / configure issue.  The developers (according
to folks on this mailing list) have decided to use the
Apache apr interfaces, but have not finished updating
the configure scripts.  This is really apparent if you
try to build the connectors from the current CVS.

I've tried the above on Fedora Core 1 with both 4.1.29
and 5.0.16 with success.


just my two cents . . . .

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