using tomcat 5.0.16

the JK2 AJP connector
( docs
doesn't list any directive like maxProcessors or maxThreads. the HTTP
connector does
( list a
maxThreads directive.

1. is maxProcessors deprecated?

2. does maxProcessors and/or maxThreads apply to the AJP connector?

3. if i do set maxProcessors/maxThreads does the total number of
maxThreads/maxProcessors across all tomcat instances in a load balanced
setup need to equal/less than/greater than the apache serverlimit?
- 2 apache servers with serverlimit 1024 each => total server limit = 2048
- 4 tomcat instances.
- should maxProcessors be set to 2048/4 = 512 or less than/greater than that?

4. similiar questions as 1&2 for maxSpareThreads/maxIdleProcessors and

5. does acceptCount work for both HTTP and AJP connectors?

thanks in advance for clarifications. here is the ajp connector element in
my server.xml

    <!-- Define a Coyote/JK2 AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->
    <Connector address="" port="8009" redirectPort="8443"
               debug="0" enableLookups="false"
               protocol="AJP/1.3" />

do i set maxThreads, maxSpareThreads, minSpareThreads, acceptCount or
maxProcessors, maxIdleProcessors, minIdleProcessors, acceptCount?


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