I am trying to migrate some applications from Apache/JServ to Tomcat using
mod_jk, and I am having trouble getting Tomcat to find servlets that are
in my classpath.

The web application is really just a presentation layer on top of a
proprietary application server built with Java.  Many of the various
packages that the application server is built from have servlets
associated with them.  Right now, these classes are not archived but are
under a development directory which is in the classpath.  Here is the
basic structure of the entire system (this is on Windows 2000):

\dev\src --> has all of the Java packages, unarchived, including servlet
             classes.  This is in the CLASSPATH

\dev\public_html --> document root (JSPs)  Apache is pointing here and a
                     Context also exists in server.xml

\3rdpart\jakarta --> TOMCAT_HOME
\3rdparty\apache --> APACHE_HOME

Tomcat and Apache work fine using the default contexts (i.e., everything
under /examples works just fine).

Now, when I start up the servers, the index.jsp under the document root
loads, runs some JavaScript to see if cookies are enabled:

if (document.cookie.indexOf("acceptCookies=") < 0)


When the redirect occurs, I get

Not Found (404)

Original request: /servlets/com.appserver.servlets.Login

Not found request: /servlets/com.appserver.servlets.Login

in the browser.

The JSPs are building and compiling just fine (the compiled classes are
showing up under %TOMCAT_HOME%\work), but the servlet classes are just not
being seen.

What am I missing?

-- Brett
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