> Hi everybody,
> I have a question regarding the configuration/behaviour of the 
> org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector (Tomcat 4.1.27).
I use Tomcat together with Apache (over mod_jk).
When I set the connectionTimeout to a very high value (for example 5 hours) and the 
maxProcessors to a very
low value (for example 3) I can see the following behaviour. I can only make 2 
than tomcat complains
org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool: All threads are busy, waiting. Please 
increase maxThreads or check the servlet status3 3
No more requests can be performed until a restart.
Does this mean a connection (socket) is as long occupied as long the connectionTimeout 
is set (even if the response was already sent back to the browser)?
I had expected that even if the set connectiontimeout is high, the socket should be 
given free when the response is sent back to the client.
I observed the Tomcat process by means of lsof and saw that the tomcat process has 
opened 3 sockets to apache.
When I set a connectionTimeout to a low value (for example 15 sec) the error above 
(all threads are busy) does not appear any more.
The lsof command shows that sockets are regulary removed and build again. I debug the 
Tomcat code and saw that the socket is 
closed when the timeout occurs. I had expected another behaviour. I mean that not 
every time a new socket is established from Tomcat
to apache but sockets are reused.

Thanx for any help

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