Hello all-


I am really puzzled right now and was hoping you all could shed some
light onto me.  I am developing a corporate intranet.  I have jcifs ntlm
http filter ( http://jcifs.samba.org/ ) working for me and all seems to
be working fine.  I can call getRemoteUser() and get the domain and
username for the user.  Which is great, I can use the username to tie
into AD and get that persons security groups to determine access to
certain job specific functions on the intranet (btw, all clients are
IE). But, I'm concerned.  My question does not really have to do with
jcifs but with security realms. I ultimately want to
isUserInRole("role") within my jsp's to determine access (I think).  But
I'm confused as to go about implementing such a scheme.  I was thinking
that I may have to write a custom realm but I'm not sure if this is the
right way to go about it.


With jcifs I can use the username from getRemoteUser() and use that to
lookup which security groups that user is member and determine my access
this way.  But I'm really skeptical of this scenario.  



Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas for my situation?



Thanx in advance


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