Sorry if I sounds like a complete idiot here. Are you saying that I can use the JMX API to start an instance of embedded tomcat? If so, where can I find sample code to do this? I did alot of work with the embedded tomcat with the 4.1.24 version, so I am familiar I had to place the embedded tomcat inside a C program :(

I would like to write some documentation on this once I have it all working. It seems like very few people use the embedded tomcat.

thank you.

Remy Maucherat wrote:

Mark W. Webb wrote:

Embedded tomcat 4 had an API that could be used to programatically start tomcat from within another application. I am wondering if the same API exists for tomcat 5. If not, how could I start tomcat in an existing process.
I would guess that I could not take advantage of the JMX stuff in tomcat 5 by using this "startup" API.

Tomcat 5 has the same Embedded API. The main difference (although you won't notice it) is that it is blended with the regular standalone Tomcat code. No more weird incompatibilities, and you can use some of each mode (ie, have a server.xml while using the Embedded API to manage contexts).

The embedded dist also includes an Ant script, which is basically a set of JMX commands. You can use the same JMX commands to embed Tomcat 5. I used that to embed Tomcat 5 inside JBoss 3.2.x (actually, all the initial code was Costin's).

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