Building mod_jk and mod_jk2 is a bit tricky, but not
too bad.  Here's how I accomplished it on Linux
(Redhat 9 and Fedora Core 1).


1. Download the latest source.

2. Uncompress and and untar it

3. cd to mod_jk2 native area

cd jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-2.0.2-src/jk/native2

4. Set CPPFlAGS to the same that you had when building
Apache.  For me this meant the following:


(all on one line)

5. Run configure with the following:

./configure --with-apxs2=/home/apache/bin/apxs \
            --with-tomcat41=/home/tomcat \
            --with-os-type=include/linux \
            --with-jni \

Replace the /home/apache/bin/apxs with your location
of apxs.

You will notice an error about command OS not being
found.  This is a bug in the configure script, and is
also in an M4 macro file.  It will not affect the

6. Change to the server/apache2 directory

cd server/apache2

7. Edit the Makefile and change the following line

JK_LDFLAGS=-L${APACHE2_LIBDIR} -lcrypt -lapr-0 -lpcre


JK_LDFLAGS=-L${APACHE2_LIBDIR} -lcrypt -lapr-0 -lpcre
-lpcreposix -laprutil-0

This is a problem with the configure script (and
another M4 file).

8. Change back to the native2 directory

cd ../..

9. Run make

10. and will be in:


11. Copy them into your modules directory for Apache,
change the permissions accordingly (so your Apache
process owner can read them), and proceed to the

This and supports both IP sockets
and UNIX sockets on Linux.  From previous discussions
on this mailing list I think that in-process support
will depend on a new MPM for the web server.

The M4 script changes appear to be fairly trivial, but
my first pass at the OS change seemed to break other
stuff (concerning OS subdirectory detection for
jkjni/java).  I'm working on unravelling that (since I
don't understand M4, yet) and I'll try to post my
patches to Bugzilla.


just my two cents . . . .

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