I am new to using tomcat.

I am using halcyonsoft iasp, which parses .asp files as java servlets.  I am
trying to get tomcat 3.21, running with apache 1.3.12  to act as the servlet
engine for iasp.

Using documentation from halcyonsoft, I have gotten *.asp files to be parsed
under the context /iasp, but I need *.asp to be parsed with tomcat globaly,
ie *.asp files residing anywhere will be parsed.

I will post the instructions given by halcyonsoft below, but basically they
make you create a WEB-INF directory under their sample directory, with a
web.xml file with instructions on reading .asp files.  Then you add a /iasp
context to server.xml which points to the sample directory.

This works, but I don't want .asp files being restricted to the sample
directory, so I removed the /iasp context from server.xml, and added web.xml
contence to the global web.xml file under the tomcat/conf directory, kind of
like .jsp is handled as far as I can tell.  This didn't seem to work.  Any
ideas on how to do this?

Here are the instuctions given to me from halyconsoft on getting .asp file
working in their samples directory.

Configuring Instant ASP with Tomcat 
  Please configure iASP with Tomcat according to the following instructions:

Create a context path for iASP in <tomcat_home>/conf/server.xml.
Add the following lines to <ContextManager> .... </ContextManager> block of

<Context path="/iasp" 
             reloadable="true" > 

Create a directory named WEB-INF under the  <iasp_home>, and a file named
web.xml under the <iasp_home>/WEB-INF/, the web.xml should contain the
following context:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> 
<!DOCTYPE web-app

PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"


Set all iASP classes to the system environment for Tomcat:
eg: setenv CLASSPATH <iasp_home>/lib/iasplib.jar:<iasp_home>/lib/asp2j.jar
.....(on UNIX)
     set classpath=<iasp_home>/lib/iasplib.jar;<iasp_home>/lib/asp2j.jar
.... (on windows)

Restart your Tomcat server and run iASP samples with

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