OK, I am answering my own question here...

The trick is to set:

UseCanonicalName on

in httpd.conf

Dean A. Hoover wrote:

I am using apache 2 and tomcat 4.1 connected
with mod_jk. I have multiple virtual named
hosts in the httpd.conf file, such as:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName www.myserver.com
  ServerAlias myserver.com

set up so that apache serves up the static
content, and tomcat will handle the servlet
stuff. In my server.xml file I set the attribute
"name" to "www.myserver.com" in the Host tagset.
This works fine if I hit http://www.myserver.com
but not for http://myserver.com. Apache handles
both the same, but not tomcat. Is there something
like ServerAlias in tomcat?


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