With the old startup script (startup.sh), there's a -config parameter to
As far as I can see there is no parameter in the startup.sh in tomcat 4.1.27.
pass in a specific server.xml to use. Is there an equivalent parameter with jsvc? If not, is there any way to achieve the same objective?
Here is the list of options:
./jsvc -help
Usage: jsvc [-options] class [args...]

Where options include:

    -jvm <JVM name>
        use a specific Java Virtual Machine. Available JVMs:
    -cp / -classpath <directories and zip/jar files>
        set search path for service classes and resouces
    -home <directory>
        set the path of your JDK or JRE installation (or set
        the JAVA_HOME environment variable)
        show the current Java environment version (to check
        correctness of -home and -jvm. Implies -nodetach)
    -help / -?
        show this help page (implies -nodetach)
        don't detach from parent process and become a daemon
        verbosely print debugging information
        only check service (implies -nodetach)
        user used to run the daemon (defaults to current user)
        enable verbose output
    -outfile </full/path/to/file>
        Location for output from stdout (defaults to /dev/null)
        Use the value '&2' to simulate '1>&2'
    -errfile </full/path/to/file>
        Location for output from stderr (defaults to /dev/null)
        Use the value '&1' to simulate '2>&1'
    -pidfile </full/path/to/file>
        Location for output from the file containing the pid of jsvc
        (defaults to /var/run/jsvc.pid)
        set a Java system property
        set Virtual Machine specific option

-- HTH Bernhard

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