Every time that i reload a context (through the tomcat manager) the memory usage of the tomcat grows up a bit, and it doesn't go down again. Every time the context is reloaded the memory usage raises, until the jvm begins to throw OutOfMemory errors. Then i have to restart tomcat (of course).

Although this isn't a big problem in a production environment, where the applications keep running without reloads, here in our development environment this is becoming a problem, since every time we make a modification we have to reload the application.

I downloaded jvmstat to monitor the jvm, and i noticed that when an application is reloaded, the overall heap usage increases and the jvm gc moves a lot of objects to the heap's permanent area. I think that this might be the main problem. Because even if the old area increases, it will sometime get garbage collected and the memory freed. And this i could confirm using jvmstat. But the objects that are in the permanent area will never be garbage collected.

Is this behaviour normal? Or maybe it's a problem with my specific configuration?

I'm using tomcat 5.0.16, sun jvm 1.4.2_03-b02, redhat 9.



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