Then i really can't see what's the point of installing the rpm.

You can run tomcatd as a service without installing the rpm. You just have to put a script to initialize tomcat inside the /etc/init.d folder.
We do this here and it works fine.

It seems that the benefits are only a few, and not really very important.


Yiannis Mavroukakis wrote:

The only advantage is that tomcat is installed as a "service" i.e.
you do a /sbin/service tomcat start or whatever the rpm has in mind..
Plus permissions and directory location.
But apart from that, I would personally never choose the rpm installation over the tarball. The perceived benefits aren't that important for me to
mess around installing whatever else is required by the package definition..


-----Original Message-----
From: Vitor Buitoni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 04 February 2004 11:19
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Installing Tomcat 5 from JPackage

To be able to install tomcat rpm package, you must install a lot of other packages that tomcat depends on, first.
I already did this once, and for me it was very time consuming and it wasn't easy at all. This is because JPackager can't provide some packages as binary packages, because of copyright restrictions. So you have to download the "nosrc" rpm from jpackage, download the source code from the software site (e.g. and build the rpm from the scratch. Then you can install this rpm.
The whole process might be very painful, at least for me it was, since i had to learn something about the rpm creation process. :-)

So, the REAL question is :
- Does anybody know the advantage of installing a tomcat rpm package??

Joe Tseng wrote:

I recently installed Fedore Core 1 and was advised to install Tomcat 5

from JPackage using yum. When I tried to install to do this I got an

error like this:

Resolving dependencies
...identicla dependency loop exceeded
package tomcat5 needs jaas (not provided)
package tomcat5 needs jaf >= 0:1.0.1 (not provided)
package tomcat5 needs javamail >= 0:1.3 (not provided)

Any useful assistance in helping out a noob with installation is


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*Vitor Buitoni* /Programador - APC/

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