On Thu, 5 Feb 2004, Randall Svancara wrote:

> I am wondering what the following configuration directive
> accomplishes for tomcat 4.1.29 in the server XML file when added
> right below the line with "<Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN"
> debug="0">".
> <Listener className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.ApacheConfig"
> modJk="C:/ApacheGroup/Apache2/modules/mod_jk.dll" />
> Also I am currious to know what the following configuration
> directive accomplishes under the host container in the server.xml
> file.
> <Listener className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.ApacheConfig"
> append="true" forwardAll="false"
> modJk="C:/ApacheGroup/Apache2/modules/mod_jk.dll" />
> These configuration directives are posted at
> http://johnturner.com/howto/apache2-tomcat4129-jk-winxp-howto.html
> and I was just trying to understand what they accomplish, since I
> have never seen them before when configuring mod_jk with Apache Http
> server and Tomcat 4.1.29.
> Thank you,
> Randall

If memory serves, those directives are to help automatically generate
the necessary apache-related JK config stuff.  (When using mod_jk to
connect tomcat to apache, you need to add some stuff to the apache
config file.)  You might notice an extra file there, perhaps called
something like mod-jk.conf (and not sure if it generates the
workers.properties), which supposedly can be included (directly or
indirectly) in the apache config file.  I say "supposedly" because I
seem to recall that the config stuff it generated, while certainly
helpful, wasn't always 100% complete/correct, and usually needed to be
modified a bit to work.

Milt Epstein
Research Programmer
Integration and Software Engineering (ISE)
Campus Information Technologies and Educational Services (CITES)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

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