Don't know if this is the reason, but this is from the
ant manuals war task entry:

We regulary receive bug reports that this task is
creating the WEB-INF directory, and thus it is our
fault your webapp doesn't work. The cause of these
complaints lies in WinZip, which turns an all
upper-case directory into an all lower case one in a
fit of helpfulness. Please check that jar xvf
yourwebapp.war shows the same behaviour before filing
another report.

--- Hernani_Mourao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have the same problem . . . .
> But by no means I manage to get the context.xml file
> processed: some
> parameters donnot make any change when I check in
> Admin.
> I am using W2K and Ant makes meta-inf in lower case.
> Would that be the
> problem? I already did every test and nothing seems
> to work. I have already
> set "unpackWARs" to "false" which improved the way
> the app is loaded.
> Any help will be very much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Hernani
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Burgess, Jay S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: quinta-feira, 5 de Fevereiro de 2004 23:48
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: JNDI datasource lost on redeploy
> Having just gone through this headache last week, I
> can provide a
> solution that works for me (for TC5 only!).
> First, create a file called context.xml and put it
> in a directory called
> "META-INF" at the same level in your source
> hierarchy as WEB-INF.
> context.xml should contain your <Context> and
> <Resource> definitions,
> something like:
> <Context path="/proto" docBase="proto.war"
> override="true"
> cachingAllowed="true" useNaming="true"
> reloadable="false" debug="0">
> <Resource name="jdbc/protodb" auth="Container"
> type="javax.sql.DataSource" />
> <ResourceParams name="jdbc/protodb">
> ...
> Second, make sure your web.xml file contains the
> necessary
> <resource-ref> details:
> <resource-ref>
>     <res-ref-name>jdbc/protodb</res-ref-name>
>     <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type>
>     <res-auth>Container</res-auth>
> </resource-ref>
> Third, use the Tomcat Ant tasks to undeploy/deploy
> your WAR to the
> appbase directory:
> <undeploy path="/${}" url="${manager.url}"
>  username="${manager.username}"
> password="${manager.password}" />
> <deploy url="${manager.url}"
> username="${manager.username}"
>  password="${manager.password}" path="/${}"
>  war="file:///${dist.home}/${}.war" />
> Note that I also have "unpackWARs" set to "false" in
> server.xml, so that
> the WAR is left intact.
> I noticed that when using this setup, Tomcat pulls
> context.xml out of
> the WAR, renames it <app name>.war, and puts it into
> the
> "%CATALINA_HOME%/conf/Catalina/localhost" directory.
>  I just it alone,
> as it goes away on undeploy.
> Let me know if this doesn't work for you.
> Jay
> -----Original Message-----
> From: todd runstein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 4:51 PM
> Subject: JNDI datasource lost on redeploy
> I've set up a JNDI datasource on my test server that
> works just fine (Tomcat=5.0.18, JDK=1.4.1, RedHat=8,
> M$_SQL=2000).  However, each time I recompile and
> redeploy the application, I lose my connection pool,
> recieving the "Cannot create JDBC driver of class ''
> for connect URL 'null'" error.  I have to restart
> Tomcat to get it working again.
> This sort of makes sense, since I'm defining the
> Resource within a Context in server.xml.  It seems
> that I either need to make the resource globally
> available to every web app, or move the resource
> definition to within my web app.  Unfortunately, I
> don't know what to move or where to move it or what
> options might work.  Any advice or suggestions?
> I'm including all the code used to get the
> connection
> as it stands now.  Again, this currently works up
> until I try to redeploy the web app.
> My driver jars (there are 3 for MS SQL) are in
> $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib
> server.xml:
>           <Context path="/mfgreports"
> docBase="mfgreports" debug="5">
>               <Resource
> name="datasource.testtrk.circuits"
>                 auth="Container"
>                 type="javax.sql.DataSource" />
>               <ResourceParams
> name="datasource.testtrk.circuits">
>                 <parameter>
>                         <name>factory</name>
>                 </parameter>
>                 .....
>                 <parameter>
>                         <name>driverClassName</name>
>                 </parameter>
>                 <parameter>
>                         <name>url</name>
> lue>
>                 </parameter>
>               </ResourceParams>
>           </Context>
> web.xml:
>       <resource-ref>
>               <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type>
>               <res-auth>Container</res-auth>
>       </resource-ref>
> Code used to get connection:
> public class JNDIConnection {
>       public static Connection getConnection(String
> datasource)
>               throws NamingException, SQLException{
>                       Context ctx = new InitialContext();
> //This syntax is a bit different than the docs show,
> but it appears to be working
>                       DataSource ds =
> (DataSource)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/"+datasource);
>                       return ds.getConnection();
>       }
> }
> Thanks again!
> =====
> The only "dumb question" is the one you were too
> afraid to ask.
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