Sometimes it is threaputic to face one's stupidity...

Anyway, it was pilot error... I use JBuilder (which has an embedded Tomcat) for my development and in versions prior to the latest (JB9 and before) the url pattern was

http://localhost:8080/servercontext/servletname JB10 this changed to ...


.. I had gotten use to this "pattern" and my servlet context and name were very nearly identical.. so I had entered what amounted to....


..instead of getting a "resource not found" or somesuch... it loaded because Tomcat loaded


...which in my application was NEVER loaded by itself and only should be loaded by the controller servlet after extensive setup and configuration.. The error was just enough "legitimate" looking that it did not flag what was really happening.. and I never clued in on what was really happening until I had gutted my controller to load a simple "html" form and instead the index.jsp still loaded...



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