I'm trying to figure out some behavior I'm seeing only when I use Safari (v1.25 - downloaded from the Apple site last week) and Tomcat. This involves cookies. I am using Tomcat 5.0.16. I have written a servlet that sends a cookie back to the server for use later on; I can see this cookie when using Mozilla, Netscape, or IE when I look at a list of cookies. I also see the JESSIONID cookie that Tomcat uses in this list. However, when I use Safari, I see the JESSIONID cookie, but not the cookie I created. I'm not sure what the reason is for this; if I didn't do something in my code, I'd like to find out what it is, and for this I'd imagine I'd have to look thru the Tomcat source and see what's done when the JSESSIONID cookie is created. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find this.

Has anyone seen this behavior before? How should I deal with it? Or can someone point me to the program where the JESSSIONID cookie for Tomcat is created?

Lynn Hollerman.

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