I seem to have a mouse running loose on my test server. Yesterday I had Apache+Mod_jk+Tomcat working fine, all connected and could use Admin/Manager/Examples through Apache. Todays fun was going to be allowing virtual hosts use Tomcat. I went to test the site before starting, pulled up the default apache page, then tried the php page ... working well, examples .. "This page cannot be displayed" ...

Shock, horror ....
$service tomcatd status
tomcatd ( pid 17923 17925 17926 17927 17928 17929 17930 17931 17932 17933 17934 17935 17937 17938 17939 17940 17941 17942 ) is running...

horror, shock .. want to kill someone. Anyway an hour later I now get this.

HTTP Status 404 - /examples/jsp/num/numguess.jsp
type Status report
message /examples/jsp/num/numguess.jsp
description The requested resource (/examples/jsp/num/numguess.jsp) is not available.

What the hell happened. This is my first install of Tomcat and Mod_jk and it went smooth, but this clean up is a mess, looks like one of the guys here decided to jump ahead to my homework. What would cause me gettng the HTTP 404 .. when teh pages are there .. what can I look for .. so far logs have been useless.



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