Hi Guys

I had my IIS 5 to TC 5.0.16 all working with JK2 ISAPI and then I decided to move that 
installation to 5.0.18 today and it's all gone pear shaped and no idea why

OK specifics...

The Error in the IIS Access Logs

2004-02-12 15:58:47 - 80 GET 
/jakarta/isapi_redirector2.dll - 500 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.0)

This is a good start ... I can see an error 500. IIS is running quite happily and 
tested. Move on to ISAPI setup in IIS


The ISAPI dll is setup and called Tomcat to point to the isapi_redirector2.dll in my 
Tomcat 5.0.18/win32/bin folder. There is a green up arrow indicating it is ok.

Also have setup a virtual dir to the same directory which allows execute of scripts 
and ISAPI filters. Fine.

So nothing appears wrong at my IIS side of things. Move to Tomcat.


workers2.properties in D:\Tomcat 5.0.18\conf specifies the following;

info=Shared memory file. Required for multiprocess servers
file="D:\Tomcat 5.0.18\work\jk2.shm"

info=Ajp13 worker, connects to tomcat instance using AJP 1.3 protocol



All OK .. same as before except for the 

file="D:\Tomcat 5.0.18\work\jk2.shm" line which used to be

file="D:\Tomcat 5.0.16\work\jk2.shm"

I make sure in server.xml that an AJP port is open on 8009 and restart Tomcat.

I note that 8009 is opened on init. I also note however that the SHM file as specified 
in the workers2.props does not exist under Tomcat 5.0.18\work whereas in my other 
working version it was. Not sure if that is a red herring??

So, now I make sure my registry is ok


SOFTWARE > Apache Software Foundation > Jakarta Isapi Redirector > 2.0

extensionUri = /jakarta/isapi_redirector2.dll
logLevel = debug
serverRoot = D:\Tomcat 5.0.18
workersFile = serverRoot = D:\Tomcat 5.0.18\conf\workers2.properties


Everything looks good to me. Bring Tomcat down and then IIS. Start Tomcat, test that 
it is ok by going direct to HTTP port 8080. Then start IIS. 

And back to Error 500. The browser hangs indefinately but the IIS log shows the error 
I posted at the top.

Run out of ideas on this!? Anyone?

I restart IIS with Tomcat up for good measure. 

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