Thanks for the reply peter!
The CPU and memory on the server seem to have a lot left over that we're not using, 
we're using about 15-20% of them. Is there some way I can utilized more CPU and memory 
in order to improve performance.  We're the middleware where the frontend sends 
XML-RPC messages to us convert this data into XML before we send it to a backend, the 
backend processes the data then responds to us with XML data, we then convert this 
data and respond it back to the front end.  We're hoping to have 20 req/sec per server 
for production, is this a feasible target?  Right now our speed is at 6 req/sec.  Our 
specs for production( we have Intel Pentium 3 now) are dual 2.8 Ghz Xeon processors 
with 512MB cache, 2GB RAM, 36GB HD, Redundant fans.

Peter Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you look at the XML numbers in my performance article, you'll see that XML is very 
memory and CPU intensive. There's very little you can do about XML eating tons of 
resources and being slow.

Until motherboards come with XML accelerators built in, XML performance will be slow. 
You may want to consider using hardware accelerators, or not using XML, if performance 
is really important. This is true of all XML parsers be it C, C++, .NET, Java, Perl or 
Python. Some are faster than others, but they are all CPU and memory intensive.

peter lin

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