Rigmor wrote, On 2/18/2004 11:01 PM:

I have following setup: Tomcat 5.0.18 and Apache web server, we use jk2 to connect them.

The problem is that when using Manager reload Ant task, servlet is
"offline" (404, not available blah blah) for a few seconds. Is there
any way to configurate ajp or/and jk2 that requests are held in some
queue if context is in "reloading state" and then process them?

You will need to have at least two Tomcat's running, load-balanced using mod_jk along with session replication.

At that point, you can modify your mod_jk config to disable one Tomcat instance, reload that instance, then disable the other Tomcat and reload.

There is a bug open for this as well as a lengthy discussion in the archives: http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=25596


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