Hello All,

Apologies if this has been brought up already, but I have a slightly odd
problem with filter-mapping in Tomcat 4.1.x ( I've tried under 4.1.24 and
4.1.29 ), which works fine under Windows 2K. I am using j2se 1.4.1_03 and
have tried j2se1.4.2_03 ( with 64 bit extension ) with j2ee 1.3.1 running
under a vanilla Solaris 9 instance on a Sun Netra T1. I can replicate the
problem with a clean install of all products and the only thing that I
haven't been able to change is the OS.

The problem concerns getting parameters from the request object after a
filter has been applied. Under Win2K it is possible to specify a URL mapping
of '/main.jsp' for example so that only certain files have filters applied (
I am using the jCIFs to authenticate certain files, but I have proved the
problem with custom/dummy classes ).

The problem occurs in Solaris when a filter mapping is specified and the url
does not fit the pattern. Under these circumstaces, I am then unable to get
the information from the request object if the parameters are passed by a
form. Parameters enbedded in the URL are fine, but form params are not
available ( not sure of the state of the request object as a whole - when I
have some spare time !! I'll check ). 

Most people / examples that I have come across when googling use a
url-pattern of /* and this is fine as everything is pattern matched ok. And
as I said, under Windows, there is no problem in specifiying specific urls /
patterns for it to match, just Solaris is the problem.... ( I'm trying to
scrounge a Linux box to try, but that is just problem narrowing as we don't
have any Linux webservers... )



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