Thank you Antonio (!)

Your suggestions sound very plausible - I shall look into them and I promise
to post a follow up (for the record) in due course, though it might take me
a couple of days.

Many thanks indeed, and kind regards

Harry Mantheakis
London, UK

> Hi Harry,
>> I'm going to try and hijack this thread if I may (!) because, as you say...
> Welcome! ;-)
>> [...] The other Tomcat server runs on a Red Hat 9 machine at my home. It
>> connects
>> to the above Oracle DB box - far away - using the same static IP address.
>> [...] The problem is with the the DB connections on my own RH9 server - they
>> just
>> *die* after a period of inactivity :-(
>> That period of inactivity can be as little as half and hour.
>> [...]
> Very typical behaviour... at least in our scenario.
>> BTW - the 'first' login attempt (which reactivates the connection pooling)
>> never gets a response - it just times out.
> Very true.
>> Do you think you can shed any light on this?
> I'll try.
>> I have read just about every
>> single forum discussion - from Tomcat-User to Commons DBCP to you-name-it,
>> and I just cannot find the answer.
>> I have a very strict firewall policy on my Linux box - using iptables. Only
>> port 80 packets get through. Nothing else.
>> Does that have something to do with my problem? Is there an ICMP port that I
>> need to open up?
> Nope. No ICMP is needed for keepalives.
> The reason of your headaches may be in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter
> There, you have several timeout values. Check
> ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_established.
> Anyway, however high you set the values in there, there will be an upper
> limit. So, I think you need to avoid your connection being idle, so that
> your firewall does not drop it, even with low timeout values. To do
> that, I suggest to use the mechanism provided by DBCP to test idle
> connections every now and then.
> testWhileIdle --> true
> validationQuery --> select 'x' from dual
> timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis --> 300000 (five minutes. Or longer, as
> far as it works...)
> On Monday, I may send you out production values. Now I don't have them,
> so I worked out some ;-)
> I am not sure whether you will need to set some more parameters. The
> authoritative source of information is:
> Other sources (link below) say that you also have to set
> numTestsPerEvictionRun. I'd suggest a value equal to maxIdle.
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05339.html
> And he also proposes another solution (which I have not tested):
> ---------------------------------------------------
> You can prevent that your firewall from dropping the connection using
> a oracle technique.
> SQL*Net has a parameter which defines time interval to send a probe
> message to identify if the client process is still alive
> - SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME, sqlnet.ora file on the server side.
> SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME = <your_value>
> Set it to something like 30 when your firewall drops connection after
> 60 minutes.
> ---------------------------------------------------
> I hope that helped.
> Antonio Fiol

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