"Antonio Fiol Bonnín" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello,
> Seen that mod_jk has a "socket_keepalive" option for the Apache side, my
> proposal consists in adding a similar setting in the Tomcat side.
> Advantages:
> If you pull the power cord of your Apache server (or something else bad
> happens to it), Tomcat will notice shortly after, and will close the
> associated connections, thus freeing threads, which are limited by
> maxThreads.
> I know it is an unlikely situation, but I still think it is a good idea.
> Suggestions welcome!

It shouldn't be necessary, since the Tomcat side spends most of it's time
attempting a 'read' on the Socket.  It should throw an IOException as soon
as Apache drops its end of the Socket (via tripping over the power cord or
otherwise :).

> Yours,
> Antonio Fiol

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