>I am setting up this web server:
>Pentium 100
>RedHat 6.2
>Apache 1.3.17 
>We will use both static and dynamic pages and therefor I was 
>going to install Tomcat. However, I keep coming across 
>positive comments on Resin. Could anyone advise me on which 
>way to go, Tomcat or Resin? Especially if you have experience 
>with both. Why would I choose one over the other?? Is Tomcat 
>still the main road?

You're using Redhat 6.2 system and one reason to use Tomcat instead
of Resin could be there is RPM which will ease the installation and

1) rpm -Ivh tomcat-xxx.noarch.rpm => install the servlet engine.
   The tomcat server will be launch automatically at startup via
   the init process (/etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat)

2) If you want to use tomcat behind the Apache web server, in 
   normal or secure (SSL), install tomcat-mod-xxx.i386.rpm.
   That will install necessary module in Apache.

3) Apache / Tomcat is the perfect combination since via mod_jk
   you could have a farm of Tomcat behind Apache. You directly
   get a fault-tolerant and load-balancing system.

Resin may be faster than current Tomcat release but speed 
increase at each release. Preliminary versions of Tomcat 3.3
show a great boost in performance over Tomcat 3.1 or Tomcat 3.2.

Tomcat is also the servlet reference at Sun and Tomcat 4.0 will
be certainly include in upcoming JDK refs....

But you're right, we may be partial ;-)

When you choose a product you must go beyond performance and
take in consideration Openess, Documentation and stability.

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