I am looking for an alternative to our current environment. Currently we =
are using JRun 3.0 for our Java needs and IIS for our web configuration. =
Our environment requires our use of IIS. With regard to JRun, we =
recently installed our upgrade to version 4.0 only to find functionality =
we require has been removed and the configuration steps have become more =
complicated. We house multiple web applications and have several JRun =
server instances running concurrently on our server. With the 4.0 =
version we have been told by Macromedia that we need to install a =
separate JRE instance for each JRun instance and copy and modify their =
jvm.config file as well.... plus several other steps.

This was never the case with the 3.0 version, but the 3.0 version is no =
longer capable of supporting our needs.

I have been looking at Tomcat 5.0 and replacement but was wondering how =
difficult it is to configure with IIS and support multiple web =
applications. I did find an article that talked about JK2.0 but it =
mentioned the prerequisite of configuring Apache. If this is true, isn't =
that a bit cumbersome since IIS has to be our web server?

Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.


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