Some hints to get you there...

Think about how you start Tomcat (assuming it's not as a Windows service). If you were to edit that startup script to add your dll location to the java.library.path, then it would be available when you run. If you're running with low-level tools, this will be straight-forward. If you're running with an IDE, it'll be a tad more complicated (<jab>like everything else</jab>).


At 05:29 PM 3/10/2004, you wrote:
When I run a servlet in Tomcat that executes some JNI code that calls a DLL,
it fails with an 'unsatisfiedlinkerror'. The problem is that my DLL that JNI
uses was
not in my SYSTEM path. When I put it in there, all is well.
What I would like to do is NOT put it in my SYSTEM path, but rather into a
configuration file.
Which config file/startup file do I modify so that the java.library.path
System property will
hold this path???

System.getProperty("java.library.path") needs to also have my DLL's
directory in it

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Justin Ruthenbeck
Software Engineer, NextEngine Inc.
justinr - AT - nextengine DOT com
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