    I am trying to get Tomcat 5 to work with the server jvm, but I am having
some problems.
    First I tried adding -server to the java options in the configure Tomcat
program. When I did that Tomcat wouldn't start. Then I set
C:\j2sdk1.4.2_02\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll - This worked and using stress test
tool I found a significant boost in my web application - However, once I set
the JVM to this path I no longer get any output to the log files of Tomcat.
Neither from Tomcat itself or from my own logging commands. 
    So, my question is two fold:
    1) What is the correct way to set the JVM to use Sun's server JVM?
    2) How do I get log output after I do that?
Chanan Braunstein
Knovel Corp.
Web Development Manager
607-773-1840 x672

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