
I know there are similiar threads like this one, but I am new to the list so
if anyone can send a response I would be very appreciative.

I have installed APache and Tomcat and have both working; however, I was
attempting to set-up the ISAPI filter to serve JSPs through IIS and
everything was working well with the examples/ example froma  defualt TOMCAT
server I have installed under c:\Jakarta, but when I tried to use another
installation under c:\Acadia (that is the project name)... the JSPs do not
process. I get them as if the were html files..

for example if I run a test JSP <% write.out("Blah") %> in the default
instance of Tomcat it outputs just the word Blah (i.e. it was processed);

under the second instance where I have my wwwroot contect path="" set to
c:\wwwroot I get the page as <% out.write("Blah") %>...

One interesting thing to note is that the Javascript is still executed (i.e.
stuff inside<SCRIPT language="Javascript"></SCRIPT> tags)

I might be missing something, but it would have to be one of the conf or XML
files I assumme.

Please assist,


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