  I'm trying to do Loadbalancing in tomcat.
My environement details are, 
Tomcat 4.1.xx
Apace 2.x
Mod_jk2 connector

Right now i'm stuck up with apache to tomcat
communication thru ajp.

my questions are below..
1.How do i create multiple instance of tomcat?
  using CATALINA_BASE i could able to create one
instance with new server.xml from different location. 
  but not able to retrieve the jsp pages from default
tomcat instances webapp.
  i want to create more than two instances.
2.How do i do the loadbalancing & clustering?
   give me the idea about worker properties config.
3.Is it possible to do session replication?in few
websites they talk about sticky session?
what is sticky?does it covers session replica?

Please advise me to get thru this task..
It will be great you can provide me document for


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