Mike Burkhouse wrote:

Yes, that is the correct path to apxs but it may not have been the binary
that came with apache2.  I did the following:

1) mv /usr/sbin/apxs /usr/sbin/apxs.old
2) cp /usr/local/src/httpd-2.0-48/support/apxs /usr/sbin/apxs
3) chmod 755 /usr/sbin/apxs
4) cd /opt/jakarta/jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk-2.0.2-src/jk/native2
5) export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/apr-0"
6) chmod 755 ./buildconf.sh
7) sh ./buildconf.sh
8) ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs

And jk finally configured.  I edited the server/apache2/Makefile as directed
by changing

JK_LDFLAGS=-L${APACHE2_LIBDIR} -lcrypt -lapr-0 -lpcre -lpcreposix

and ran make which just bombed with: /usr/bin/ld can not find lpcre

This is painful. Did I miss linking a necessary library in the configure


Hi Mike !

Your guess is partially right. When you specify '-lpcre' you need to ensure that pcre-devel is installed. Painful ? You haven't even gotten to the configuration yet ! ;)

This is one of the hassles with RPM-based Linux distributions. There is an easy way to get the necessary RPMs without hunting high and low on FTP sites or using rpmfind.net. Just install 'yum' and configure it to point to your nearest yum repository, instead of Red Hat's default repository (which is painfully slow). Then do a 'yum install pcre-devel' and it will find and install the package and all dependencies for you. The upside is, it makes things relatively painless. The downside is that it tends to install everything and the kitchen sink into your system.

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to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and
his children are smart." -- Henry Mencken
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