Is this for a few users or a bunch?

If it is a few users then HTTPS Client authentication may work.

But more likely what will fit your plan is to use form authentication. If
you are getting a prompt for name and password then you are using basic
authentication. See SRV .12.5 in the Servlet 2.4 spec. For examples the TC
manager uses basic where the admin uses form.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Halcyon62 ." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 4:32 PM
Subject: Automatic authentication when accessing a servlet ?????????

> Hi
> Is it possible to incorporate the j_username & j_password (used by the
> servlet "j_security_check") in the request to authenticate the caller and
> then, grant access to the servlet that i am trying to access ?????
> I explain the context:
> I have a servlet that allows the caller to download of log files. I can
> download these logs using my browser, enter the address and then select
> log I want.
> Now, I want to get these log automatically. I built an external component
> perform that (it's a requirement i have). The external component builds
> HTTP request and sends it to Tomcat. If the security constraint it
> out, it works perfectely. But if the security constraint is on, it does
> work because Tomcat is trying to popup a login page, waiting for username
> password.
> Then, is it possible to incorporate the j_username & j_password (used by
> servlet "j_security_check") in the request to authenticate the caller and
> then, grant access to the servlet that i am trying to access ?????
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