Hi tomcat-users,

I am having some memory related troubles with my servlets running on
tomcat 3.2.1 on an win nt 4 workstation machine.
I read all previous messages in the list with the term "memory" in it,
but everything i try does not help.

problem: the memory consumption of the java.exe increases slightly, the
over all memory consumption of the system increases fast and memory is
not released. after a week (and about 400 hits or so) the server runs
out of memory (tomcat gives a OutOfMemoryError and quits).

what i did:
- set java max heap size (nothing changed)
- set max_threads (30), max_spare_threads(20) and min_spare_threads(5)
  for both http and https ConnectionHandler
- set session-timeout to 1 Minute
- added System.gc() to end of every servlet

my application uses servlets and mysql, i close every mysql connection
and i am not able to find anything i could change to get the memory

I also use ms-stresstool and i can simulate this memory-problem.

could anyone give me some assistance please?


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