I thought some people might want to know. I don't have this problem any more.
The problem seems to be when the workers2.properties is used for the urisets.

I took them out and put them into mod_jk2.conf, which is statically included into httpd.conf, as

<Location "/myapp/*.jsp">
JkUriSet group ajp13:localhost:8009
</Location> <Location "/myapp/pub/dir/*">
JkUriSet group ajp13:localhost:8009

I also found that Apache seemed to get confused when the Alias to the directory for the static web content was the same as the application name. I was getting erratic behavior -- images would show up once then on the next screen disappear...
I called the static content directory myapp-static and it was resolved.

Thanks anyway

Ken Hensel wrote:

Typo.  I thought I had everything right. It's mod_jk2 obviously.
Thanks for pointing that out.

Still a problem.


Chong Yu Meng wrote:

Hi Ken,

First, there is no mod_jk3 that I am aware of. You are referring to mod_jk2, perhaps?

Second, please look at Appendix A of my Tomcat 5 write-up (http://cymulacrum.net/writings/tomcat5/c1215.html). I encountered the same problem. You wouldn't be using Mandrake or Mandrake's Advanced Extranet Server, would you? I encountered the problem on that platform. The only way of working around it that I know of, is to put the context mappings inside httpd2.conf instead of workers2.properties (see my docs for example on the syntax). I don't know why this happens -- perhaps Yoav can shed some light on this...?

Hope this helps !

Ken Hensel wrote:

Help please,

I have searched far and wide, but found no answer to this question -
although one guy had the same problem and reverted to mod_jk as a
solution.  This is not a solution for me.

I have the following in my workers2.properties file:


Everything works as expected except for the final one. The wildcard (*)
by itself after a / is not working. Instead it tries to access the
pathname on DocumentRoot instead of Tomcat (4.1).

Has anyone had this problem? I used both binaries and also build
Apache2 and jakarta-tomcat-connectors from source with the same problem.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Ken

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