
We're using Tomcat 3.3.1 on SuSe Linux with nearly 1GB of memory
and Java HotSpot VM (build 1.4.0-beta3-b84). We're storing rather
a lot of stuff in sessions. When the site is busy and the server
is restarted, the amount of free memory, as reported by the command
'free', rapidly decreases from a few hundred MB to almost zero. When
the site is unbusy, it also decreases, but not as fast.

Meanwhile the total amount of memory used by the JVM running
Tomcat, as reported by Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(), is
fairly constant (400 MB) while Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()
fluctuates betweem around 100 and a few MB.

Eventually OutOfMemory errors appear in the logs, the server
grinds to a halt and has to be restarted.

Of course, we must stop storing too much in our sessions but what
I don't understand about this is why the memory outside the JVM is
getting used up. Sessions, as long as they're not serialised,
use memory inside the JVM, just like any other object, no?


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