We are using Tomcat 4.1.29 on a Solaris 9 x86 web server (dual 3GHz Zeons) with 2gb RAM.

Twice now Tomcat, which has been happily running under light load (only a couple of users currently) has simply stopped. One second it is working, the next it is not. No crashes, no error messages, no log entries beyond the usual "removing application at context path <x>" which are written to the localhost log when the server is shutting down. It's almost as if the shutdown.sh script has been run automatically.

I can't see any reason why this should be happening and with no error messages or log entries to go on, I'm at a bit of a loss as to where to start! A thorough Googling turned up nothing relevant. The unix server logs show nothing other than the frantic emailing that occurred around the time of tomcat's demise. After the first time Tomcat quit for no reason, I set up a script to monitor Tomcat and mail me if the process vanished.

Any ideas?


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